Cleaning Fluids, Salts & Sprays
Ø.30mm Balance Screw Holder; Bergeon
DynagemBergeon 2567;With sliding grip;Length 100mm
L&R 566 (3.8 litres)
DynagemL&R;Waterless;Non Ammoniated;Cleaning solution;3.8 litres
L&R Extra Fine (3.8 Litres)
DynagemL&R;Waterless;Ammoniated;Extra Fine Cleaning Solution;3.8 litres
Bergeon F45 (1 Litre)
DynagemBergeon F45 - Watch Cleaning Fluid An improved extra-strong cleaner for the escapement inclusive of hairspring. Removes gum, dirt, grease but doesn...
詳細を全部見るL&R 111 Watch Cleaner
DynagemL&R Waterless Ammoniated Cleaning solution 3.8 liters Hazardous
L&R 3 Watch Rinsing Fluid 3.8 Litres
DynagemL&R 3 Watch Rinsing Fluid Can be used with any L&R cleaning solution and in either ordinary or ultrasonic cleaning machines. L&R clear...
詳細を全部見る2.5 Litre; WF Pro
Dynagem2.5 Litre; WF Pro
2.5 Litre; Surprol Pro
Dynagem2.5 Litre; Surprol Pro
Bergeon Quartz Circuit Cleaning Fluid
Dynagem250cc;Bergeon 6438;For cleaning Quartz watch circuits.
Bergeon Rubisol 5 litres
DynagemWatch the cleaning solution for the first jar. Guaranteed water-free, non-flammable and non-corrosive. Rapidly dissolves hardened and resinated oil...
詳細を全部見る250ml Horosolv
Dynagem250ml Horosolv
White; Ø0.55mm Nylon Silkon
DynagemWhite; Ø0.55mm Nylon Silkon
100mm (Cut 2) 3.8 x 1.1mm
DynagemVallorbe 2402 - Swiss Made - Invest in the Best;Dimensions: Length x (Cut) x Section in mm;For additional sizes please use our Online Support - Pro...
詳細を全部見る160mm (Cut 4) 5.6 x 1.7mm
DynagemVallorbe 2402 - Swiss Made - Invest in the Best;Dimensions: Length x (Cut) x Section in mm;For additional sizes please use our Online Support - Pro...
詳細を全部見る48 x 75 x 25mm Double Frame
Dynagem48 x 75 x 25mm Double Frame
Block with 6 Punches (Ø18 to 54mm)
DynagemQuality rosewood;Smooth finish;6 punches & 8 hole dapping block;Sizes marked on base;Punch sizes: Ø18; 18.5; 19; 22; 45 & 54mm;Dapping bloc...
詳細を全部見るFlush Cut (10mm) Lindstrom 8141
Dynagem10mm cutting length;10mm wide jaws;Flush cut;Lindstrom 8141
45 Micron (Purple) Paste
Dynagem45 Micron (Purple) Paste
25 Micron (Red) Paste
Dynagem25 Micron (Red) Paste
14 Micron (Brown) Paste
Dynagem14 Micron (Brown) Paste
25 x 0.40 x 1500 x 40mm
DynagemDimensions;Height;Thickness (Strength);Length;Diameter
24 x 0.40 x 1500 x 40mm
DynagemDimensions;Height;Thickness (Strength);Length;Diameter
23 x 0.45 x 1650 x 45mm
DynagemDimensions;Height;Thickness (Strength);Length;Diameter
22 x 0.45 x 1700 x 45mm
DynagemDimensions;Height;Thickness (Strength);Length;Diameter